I've just explored the site a little more. I came across the epilepsy association medication list and found diazepam rectal gel listed but no intranasal midazolam?? I realise the majority of people here aren't Australians, so perhaps it's something not used often overseas
I still occasionally have a very large grand mal that requires medication to bring me around, but I was put onto using intranasal midazolam years ago
Prior to the midazolam all my partner could use during a large grand mal… read more
It’s a benzodiazepine. I have had it used on me a couple times. It works and beats a hospital visit any day. I can’t self medicate with it so there is no concern of addiction. My nose was a little… read more
Hi guys,
I'm not on any medication at the moment for my tonic clonic and grand mal seizures.
I'm wanting to speak to my Dr about maybe starting Topomax.
Has anyone been on it? Any side effects? Does it help stop seizures?
Did you take topomax in conjunction with other seizure meds or on it's own?
Thanks heaps.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member topiramate is the official name Topamax is just a brand name of that. I'm not sure wether the uk has Topamax or not. I was taking the brand version then the system was changed… read more
Keppra And Frisium During Pregnancy
Hi Everyone,
I've had JME epilepsy for 20 years. I was always on Epilim which kept me pretty well seizure free. A while back, my fiancé and I decided that we would change meds as recommended by my neurologist so that we can have a baby.
It wasn't as easy as first expected and I had a couple of seizures, trying to transfer over to Keppra. My neuro added Frisium which seems to have worked and I'm now over a year seizure free.
I am also now 19 weeks pregnant. Reaching the half way mark, I am… read more
Epilepsy can also be hereditary. Pregnant women are just guinea pigs right now. Too scary for me to get pregnant. They don't know enough yet. I can't have a child who has more problems than me. If… read more
Does Anyone Know What, If Any, Fillers Are Used In Generic Medicines?
Since I've moved to Australia I've been taking generic keppra and lamictal. I took the same medicine in the USA, but I'm feeling some intense side effects from the generic medicine here. My friend that's a pharmacist said it could be from fillers that are used in the medicine. I'd pay for the name brand but it's very expensive. And then the stress from the financial strain can cause a seizure. Anyway, could there be something in the medicine that I'm not aware of?
Tell you neurologist. could be too much sun and heat or it may be time for a different med. 7 years of the same one and my body got use to it and no longer worked. had to change meds.
Seizure Diary
Can anyone suggest a good seizure diary app compatible for iphone? Thanks
Cell phones give me seizures. I have to enlarge the font and then it is the side to side, up and down thing, repetitive and fast that my brain hates. Am I the only one in the world that gets a seizure… read more
Being A Mother With Epilepsy With A Two Year Old.. How Do Parent With Epilepsy And Feel Confident Of Being By Yourself With Your Child.
How does anyone who is a full time parent get by with epilepsy and the fear of having one by yourself with just your child. I have grand mal and partial seizures. I'm to scared to have another child because I'm scared I shouldn't be a mother because of my epilepsy. I've recently also had brain surgery. So I have had a lot of help since my son was born. It's hard to feel like a mother
Is anyone else in this position or know how it feels? My parents help us but they are now in their 70's. They… read more
I tried my best to teach my 2 children what to do in case Mommy 'falls down and spits' but it's very hard for children to understand and most times neighbors used to hear them screaming and knew I had… read more
I have found lately that after a seizure I am so much more sensitive to criticism and to well basically anything emotionally draining.
Am I the only one?
I'm hoping this is normal!
yes, I am not really "sensitive" more like a mama bear coming out of hibernation would be more accurate. That and menopause makes me go off my rocker if someone throws garbage on the street or the… read more
Understanding Neurology
When you were first diagnosed with epilepsy what research did you do? Treatments, alternative treatments?
I want an app for my iPhone that covers epilepsy from diagnoses, types of seizure, treatments etc.
Any recommendations? For iPhones, books or e-books. Thanks in advance ✌🏻
Doctors were sooo behind on learning about the brain then. That was pathetic what they said and how epilepsy was treated then. They would put people in mental hospitals, give them LSD and abuse… read more
Has Anyone Had Brain Surgery To Correct Their Seizures? Im Scared And Would Love To Hear Your Stories And Get Any Advice I Can
I've got complex partial seizures with identified abnormality in my temporal lobe. Seizures are focal so my neurologist said surgery is an option I should consider, but I'm pretty scared and not sure it is worth it. My seizures aren't very bad and I could still lead a mostly-normal life but I plan to become a doctor and with sleep deprivation being a major trigger for me it may prevent me from pursuing my desire to work in a hospital (which means long hours). Im not sure about the process of… read more
I was diagnosed with exactly what you have. I had an 8 hour surgery to fix a TBI. A clump of veins could bleed out they said. So they went in and glued it together and 5 days later they went in and… read more
Tegretol To Aptiom
My doctor is switching me from Tegretol, which I've been on for 30 years with successful results, to Aptiom. I'm currently in transition & had wondered if anyone else had made a similar switch & if you could tell me your experience with it. I'm only on day 4 of 400mg Tegretol & 400 mg Aptiom but I feel like my short term memory is on the fritz. By week 3 I'm suppose to be on just Aptiom 800 mg & no Tegretol & I wonder if the memory loss will worsen when I increase the dose.
I got ep at 6 and I have never had that prolbem and now 70 and still dont as I worked at GM 30 yrs and retired 08 no problem and later began a Electrician as lots lots to remember and still am doing… read more