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Top 9 search results for "Tranxene" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Just Curious About This ❓ Below And Not Nothing Against It Or Anything Else Like That? Or On Anyone Else Here And Such Etc Or The Med Field?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

As for our own conditions and illnesses and diseases etc which I hope are progressing and getting better, as for the meds thing I mentioned in the,? This is kinda what is going to happen when you take that med, I have some slight little effects of them, a maybe a medium effects with also now and then, but what about the effects that are the ones you didn't expect and you went through the effect of, what do you do about that if it happens,then what? Just curious? Because I look at ok I have a… read more

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Lyrica caused me to have uncontrollable eye movements


A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I took Dilantin for a few years as a child. I'm not sure why my doctor switched me from Dilantin to Tegretol, but I'm assuming it's because I broke through on it. I really liked it, but I suppose what I'm on now is best for controlling my seizures.

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Since then, I've been on numerous forms of Tegretol,, Tranxene for a short time, and currently, Leviteracetam(Keppra, in addition to Tegretol). Chelsey, what does VNS stand for?

When Diagnosed With Your Condition, Do You Think The Doctor Prescribed Your Medication Right ?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm curious about that because of I looked up online about how many meds are out there, and it was ok with the meds they chose to put me on, Dilantin and phenobarbital and was ok with my condition and such etc, what do you think?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

It’s been such a struggle even knowing which type of seizures he was having. The insurance battle is insane and, the wait for neurologist la is crazy. Couple that with personal frustration, it has… read more

Anyone Else Allergic Or Had Bad Reaction To CBD?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭


I recently wanted to add CBD oil to my regime instead of increasing my Toprimate.
Before I was diagnosed with seizures I had tried thought cloud CBD brain and ended up in the ER for what they thought was a pulmonary embolism. I thought it was just by chance because I had also had dental work done that day and was given epip.

Anyway I bought Charlotte Web CBD which is heard great things about. Gave it a try the other day. I had seizures for 2 days and then ended up in the ER couldn't… read more

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I vape CBD every and haven't had an issue so far.

Anyone On Different Combo Of Medications Yh

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am currently on keppra 3000mg a day clobazam 20mg at night and lamotragine 409mg a day plus i so take 2mg lorazepam at night and i have 10mg of midazolam as emergency medication also have a vns anyone similar x

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

oh you wanna talk combo meds? check it out
300mg Vimpat
150mg Trileptal
150mg Trileptal
300mg Vimpat
150mg Trileptal
400mg Lamictal
600mg Zonegran
20mg Lexapro
2… read more

My Medicine Listing Per Day, I Believe Is Too Much !

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Daily Medicine List
1- Dilantin ((Brand Name) caps 400mg. Per day
2- Lamictal (Brand Name) 700mg. Per day
3- Verapamil 80 mg. Per day
4- Zone gran 400mg.per day
5- Dilantin (chewable) 50mg. Per day
6- Tranxene 7.5 mg per day
7- Singular 10 mg per day (Asthma pill)
8- 2 puffs Advair 2 times per day (Asthma)
9- Sleep with BIPAP at night (improves sleep)
10- As needed to stop seizures 2mg Lorazapam
(Which is only given when I have clusters
Or a longer than normal seizure,… read more

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Wolf2677, I am 59 almost 60-10/10/17. For me its been alternating medications and dosages. So far we haven't discussed surgery. Prior to my marriage seizures were about six weeks apart. I got… read more


A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

yesterday i saw a specialist with my epilepsy, me and her decided that i should try Keppra.
But i didnt realise that there are so many negative effects with mood while taking this medication, has anybody any experience please with this medication or advice, i would be very greatful.

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I've had the mood swings while taking Keppra

Does Or Has Anyone Ever Felt Embarrassed About Telling Someone About Their Seizures?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

Or on another note, has anyone ever been a little scared of telling someone you feel like you’re about to have one but end up not? Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t tell my parents or sister because then they’re going to overreact a little after the feeling went completely away.

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Debbie- look into PNES, it's psychogenic non epileptic seizures. I recently found out symptoms I was experiencing here lately was small seizures, come to find out it was psychogenic non epileptic… read more

I'm On Keppra 500 Mg X4 Am X4 Pm I See My Docton On Tuesday Is Anyone On Keppra With Another Med To Help Stop Seizures

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm on Keppra 500 mg x4 am x4 pm I see my Docton on Tuesday is anyone on keppra with another med to help stop seizures

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I'm on 500 MG of Keppra an take 3 tablets by mouth twice a day
then i'm on 100 MG of Lamictal i take 2 1/2 tablets by mouth twice a day