Ketogenic Diet, Does Anyone Follow This Treatment For Seizures, Or Even Just Try Low Glycemic Diets For Seizure Control?
I'm looking for advice on the ketogenic diet or low glycemic diets. Has any tried these and had it help seizure control? Too much sugar is a trigger for me, so I was wondering if it might help to be more strict with diet.
I just started the Modified Atkins Diet one week ago. I'm in the early stages of it. I'm hopping it helps.
Anticonvulsant Medication
Is there any other ways other than anti-convulsants that help with seizures that anyone has tried? I’m going to talk to a doctor about it, don’t worry. I’m just curious if there are any other ways other than medication because I hate the side-effects. I may just deal with it. I’m probably going to try Depakote.
I’ve had a Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) and now have a Neurostimulator (RNS)
Will The Ketogenic Diet Help With Epilepsy?
It’s helping me in so many ways , my hormones control me immensely and they r the reason for my seizures too. I have lost 20 kilos and gone from size 20 to a size 14 . I’ve tried everything else… read more
Can I Treat My Epilepsy Naturally?
Exercise, sunlight, ketogenic diet, music, sports etc.
Stick with your meds and your Dr. unless you are free for 3 months let's say , but stay with your doctor's supervision always. ericthom3
Ketogenic Diet
Has anyone tried the ketogenic diet? Any thoughts or advice on the diet?
Many children are put on this diet that are experiencing uncontrolled seizures. It works. I have heard that in adults the success rate is moderate, but the result can be that some adults have been… read more
I am reading about the comments about the applied diets. (Ketogena and Modifications Adkins.) . They are a type of treatment. How many of you are prescribed by a nutritionist?
Very healthy but no evidence it will help reduce or impact seizures.
Ketogenic Diet
Has anyone tried the Ketogenic Diet and seen less seizures (hopefully).
There are all different types of diets these days and you usually find that the healthier you eat the less amount of crap you will want to eat.But exercise and food is a big issue for us
Has Anyone Introduced MCT Oil/supplements Into Their Life And Seen Benefits ?
I have not, but I hope you find relief.
Will The Diet Interfere With My Medicines I Take Keppra XR, Zonisamide, And Onfi?
Ask dr if he knows if anything that could cause problems for you
Ketogenic Diet
Have you tried the ketogenic diet for seizures and how did it go?
I started my son on the modified atkins diet almost two weeks ago. Even without having the diet mastered yet, the frequency and intensity of his seizures greatly improved after a week and a half. I… read more