Does Living With Epilepsy Get Easier Mentally The Longer You’ve Lived With It? | MyEpilepsyTeam

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Does Living With Epilepsy Get Easier Mentally The Longer You’ve Lived With It?
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I’ve had epilepsy pretty much all my life. I’m curious for those who have had epilepsy for all their lives if it gets easier mentally or do you still feel frustrated with your disability.

I ask this because as someone who has lived this more than 25 years, I’ve gotten past the acceptance phase eons ago but I do get frustrated with the reality of what I can and can’t do in life. I’m just wondering if it’s just a phase or does this kind of stuff go on even as you get older.

posted April 17, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

It never gets easier, but you get stronger and better able to deal with it. Now that, for example, you may have had seizures in high school and college for years, you know how to cope with seizures as an adult - seizures in public, at the workplace, at events, at the bank.

And of course there’s the opposite end, if a few lifestyle changes and better medications eliminate your seizures then it’s a different story. But if you still have just one seizure a month, the struggle is real. You still won’t drive, go out comfortably or drink alcohol with the boys. Pick your poison, a slower lifestyle or a risk of a seizure on the nightclub floor.

Basically grit your teeth and keep the hope that the seizures change. If they don’t, you’ll figure out how to live alongside them.

posted April 18, 2023 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

For me i wasent diagnosed till 17 years later. Had seizures sinceni was 2. Diagnosed at 19. I kind of just accepted my reality. It sucks, but ill live i justngo about my life like im a "normal" person. When i drink though its like a switch has been switched sometimes. I sob and think im a broken person, that cant do anything in life, that cant life happily, i cant do this, i cant do that. I wish i was dealt a good brain. Before i had my surgeries i would live in fear daily that i would have a seizure. Now i live in less fear because my seizures happen mainly at night. I felt helpess. I have a breakthrough daytime seizure on rare occasion. Ive learned how to cope with them, i used to try to "stop" them with ways that sometimes DO stop my seizure if its a small seizure, such as reciting the A.B.Cs or counting to 10 repetitively till the aura is done and i dont seize, but if the aura is too strong, my tactics dont work and its just more "painful" ill say, and makes the seizure worse. So I learned its better to just let the seizure happen, it will be over in a few seconds(even though it feels like 10 minutes) ill be okay. (I have partial complex seizure)

posted April 18, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

No, it doesn't get better. I was diagnosed at 18 months. I am 66years old now and there is still a lack of support for those of us with epilepsy. The key is to accept what you have and prepare yourself for life and the changes that will come. Especially with medication changes. To many times i have come across meds that have worked for a short time and then seizures are on the increase again. Took me some time to understand that as we grow older our metabolism changes leading to a change in medications. It makes us all say there has to be something consistent. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, i agree with all you have said. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, i agree with you have said. And i don't think i can say anything else except prepare yourself for a journey because they are still working on a cure.

posted April 18, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I was just going to ask a similar question. It's been 23 years since I've been diagnosed. I've had periods of good seizure control and bad control. Right now, it's so/so . So, yeah, I've accepted that this is my life and epilepsy will always be a part of it and I've learned to live with it. But, damn right, I'm frustrated about it. More so lately than in a long time. I've usually been pretty accepting. But, lately I'm frustrated about not knowing if I will have a seizure when I fall asleep, or if my meds will be filled on time, about having to go to bed at a strict bedtime.. ect. Mostly, I'm mad that I can't drive. Recently I lost my licence because my seizures stopped being only at night. I really hope I get over this anger phase. But not being able to drive again changes so much!

I hope that acknowledging that I feel that way will help. My therapist helped me admit that it's anger that I'm feeling. I just started seeing a therapist for grief, but it might help with my feelings towards epilepsy too... I feel for you, I get it, and I think it's normal to be frustrated. I hope it's just a phase for both of us if possible :) Good luck!

posted April 18, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I personally do not feel it gets easier. It has been roughly 40 years for me. I had several years of good control, and then when i do have them i feel so helpless and embarrassed. It doesn't help i have had a partner for 25 years that has made me feel like i ha e to hide my epilepsy from people. This last year has been the worst since i was a kid. It has left me feeling depressed and helpless in so many ways. I am an electrician my trade and my epilepsy is mostly in my sleep states or within 1-2 hours of waking up. Im having to figure out my auras all over again. Things that stand out and stuff. It is super frustrating. Other medications seem to be triggers. Ive recently this year been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (not sure if it is related to my medication) and all the medications they've tried doesn't seem to work and the last one triggered low blood sugar, an electrolyte inballance, and a siezure. So somedays are better than others. I am looking into Keto diets and natural ways of trying to make things better and keep inflammation down.
I hope your able to find something that works for you.

posted December 28, 2023

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