Just Seen The FDA Warnings About Levitiracetam And Clobazam. I've Just Started Taking These And Keeps Getting A Skin Rash 😵🙄Anyone Else ?
Thankyou for your welcome message Toni. 🥰
I have put up with the rashes for many years, and have learned to tolerate them, and accept that I need to have a supply of loratadine handy for whenever the… read more
Elepsia XR
My voice is very croaky like I’ve got a chest infection is this normal
I feel quite disgusted really I was given my medication 15mths ago and have not seen a doctor since then but I have managed to get an appointment later this week so hopefully can discuss my side… read more
Elepsia XR
Conocen De La Epilepsia Mioclonica Progresiva Enfermedad De Lafora?
SÃ, la enfermedad de Lafora es un tipo de epilepsia mioclónica progresiva. Se caracteriza por crisis mioclónicas, convulsiones tónico-clónicas y un deterioro progresivo de las funciones cognitivas y… read more
Hola, Si Tengo Epilepsia Puedo Ser Donante En Vida De Riñon?
They normally have to run a lot of tests before you can do it anyway regardless of if you are having seizures or not. If you are doing it to donate to someone they also need to check if the recipient… read more
Cuántos De Ustedes Conocen A La Enfermedad De Lafora Epilepsia Mioclónica Progresiva?
Que feo se oye eso … en el caso de mi hijo mitad de su cerebro está dañado por una vacuna el que se llama (hib/mmr) el que le dieron a los ocho meses y ahora tiene epilepsia sin cura y también autismo… read more
Will The Diet Interfere With My Medicines I Take Keppra XR, Zonisamide, And Onfi?
Ask dr if he knows if anything that could cause problems for you
Porque Si Tomo Medicamentos TodavÃa Me Dan Los Ataques
Hay varias razones por las que uno puede seguir teniendo ataques epilépticos incluso cuando está tomando medicamentos. Algunos medicamentos pueden dejar de funcionar con el tiempo o necesitar ajustes… read more
Does Anyone Take Levetiracetam XR (Keppra XR) 2x A Day?
Tonight I am going to divide the 3000 mg of Levetiracetam Extended Release tablets and take half at bedtime and half in the morning. This is to stop the afternoon seizures.
Does anyone else take the extended release twice a day and if so how much do you take and does it work well that way for you?
FYI: My doctor has prescribed it this way.
Has Any One Taking Qudexy Xr While Pregnant Or Before Had Any Child Affect/deffect Durimg Pregnancy Or After
hey i’m