My Memory REALLY Sucks. My Long Term Memory Is Semi Good, But My Short Term Is Really Bad, Like Wow Haha
I struggle with short term memory because of my brain injury. But if I have a seizure. I will not remember having the seizure or anything that happened around the time of the seizure.
I lost a lot of my memory after my initial seizure and it gets worse every year. I was reminded yesterday I was at an Angel's game when Shohei Ohtani hit a grand slam and I can't remember all the great trips I've been on. It is a big bummer I can't remember all the nice things people have done for me and TV shows/movies I watched a few months ago. I want to go back to school so bad, but I can't even remember I used to have a Disneyland pass for years. Like Walt Disney said, "Keep moving forward."
My short term memory can be bad at times. I have to take a break, calm myself down and try later. For doctor appointments and other things important, I have to write it down 2 places. On my calendar and phone. This helps sometimes.
I have a great long term memory , but my short term , not as good
Wait, what was the question? Oh right memory, mine stinks. Especially after a seizure, I don't remember anything for hours! At times longer. You are not alone when it comes to this.
Hi Everyone, I’ve Got A Question About Memory Loss
Has Your Memory Gotten Worse Or At Least Memory Recall The Longer You Have Had Epilepsy?