Lots Of Problems With Keppra Doc Is Switching Me To Vimpat What Kinds Of Issues Can I Expect With Vimpat?
Does Anyone Take Keppra, Lamotrigine Or Vimpat For Seizures?
I take Keppra.
Has Anyone Ever Had Joint Pain From Taking VIMPAT?
I started taking Vimpat about 2 years ago. About two months later I started having joint pain. The joint pain has only gotten worse and spread. I don't know for sure if the pain is caused by the Vimpat or not, but has anyone else ever developed joint pain from taking Vimpat? I have no history of joint injuries or joint diseases in my family. I also take Oxtellar(trileptal)
I am taking Gabapentin (neurontin) I get joint pains which is a new side effect. I have been on it for 5 months & that summon only started a month ago mainly in my fingers & knees. Be well
Is Anyone Taking Vimpat Along With Any Other. My Doctor Added The Lowest Dosage To Take Along With Lamictal Xr And Primidone
Has Anyone Been On Vimpat? If So How Long And Was It Succesful?
I’ve been on Carbotral since i was 8, and trokendi since i was 14-15. I was hospitalized in the past 2 weeks to study my absent seizures off all medications, because i normally have auras only when medicated, until the padt year, ive recently began having absents again also. The doctors tested one medication that was unsuccessful while i was hospitalized, before testing Vimpat over a 24 hour period, and then i was released. I’ve been out for nearly 2 weeks now, and i haven’t had any seizures… read more
Vimpat And Weight Lose
I was just wondering if anyone knows if vimpat can cause weight loss? The weight is just falling off me. I've lost another 2 and a half pounds in a week. I'm not sure if something else is causing it but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this with vimpat?
I can say I've heard of that drug but all the drugs I've been on for Epilepsy hasn't helped my weight loss
Issues With Vimpat
Before Christmas I went through roughly a six week changeover from Lamotrigine to Vimpat. The only real problem that I have had is with my teeth and jaw. I am doing a lot more clenching on the vimpat which is resulting in pain in my jaw and TMJ inflamation. The TMJ imflamation is also resulting in teeth being loose and shifting. I have never had this type issue on dilantin, carbamazipine or lamotrigine. The problem only came up since the change to Vimpat. This has not been really noted as a side… read more
I have had Epilepsy for majority of my life. I had all my teeth filled and they were fine
A year later I went to the dentist and he told me I had to get so many filliings done
Unfortunately anti… read more
Can You Believe The Difference Between Retail Version Of Vimpat And Generic Lacosamide? I Didn’t Except For The Amount Of Money
I paid sometimes over $800 for Vimpat!
I hope that helps. Just ask if you have any questions
All of GOD's Best.
We celebrate Lent & Easter. If our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ came down here to save us from our sins. He told us … read more
How Much Vimpat Do You Take And How Bad Is Drowsiness?
I don’t take that.