Does Anyone Use The Single Use Nasal Spray To Stop Their Seizures?
Yes I have used a nasal spray. It worked well for me. I couldn’t administer it alone. My sister would do it.
Anyone Else Take Nasal Rescue Med Valtoco (Diazepam)?
Thanks love... 🥰 Most appreciated. I'll certainly add this to my routine. Ozark pollen is brutal!
My son is 26 and has refractory epilepsy. In June he woke up with a horrible headache. My voice was too loud for him even. I thought maybe it was a postictal headache, but the ones he had in the past were not this severe, and only lasted a couple of hours at the outside. He was extremely dizzy, couldn’t walk, and vomited several times. I was on the phone with his neurologist and he started to have a seizure. He has a VNS so I used the magnet and it stopped it. The neurologist said to give him… read more
What's The Best Method And Most Common Rescue Med For Seizures?
I have had to different kinds one that's nasal spray and another that used a dropper.
The main reason I ask is the doctor prescribed one but the pharmacist says the other may be better, so is the Dr just prescribing one over the other to fill his pocket?
It could be that the two meds could work better than one medication alone. I have had that happen in the hopspital.
Does Anyone Have A Rescue Med At Home And If So, What Do You Use?
I have a seizure recovery med , that I use only as needed . It’s called Lorazepam ( generic brand of Ativan )
Does Anyone Here Use Valtoco And If So How Well Does It Work
Yes, and it's never really done much for me.
Does Anyone Have An Emergency Medicine Plan! (Like Klonopin)
Has Anybody Had A Prolonged Seizure On A Cruise? Was The Medical Staff Responsive.
6 year old focal seizures. Going on a week cruise. Had about 7 seizures in the last year. All of them last over 20 minutes. We administer Valtoco immediately and it always requires more medication to stop them (911). Then she is passed out for a few hours and is fine. She is on new medication and it has been over a month without a seizure. We plan to mitigate fatigue with naps and do our best to prevent illness with handwashing. We don’t have to fly and cruise port 30 minutes away from us.
In the year of 1997 I went on a 3 generation cruise with my dad and grandpa, on the Carnival Cruise line . I might have had a fewi mild maybe moderate seizures ,but nothing sever. I had a great… read more
Does Anyone Else Get Offended When Someone Says Your Faking Seizures When Your Not?
Does anyone else get offended when a neurologist or hospital says your faking seizures when your not?
Np òne is denying that you're having seizures if told pseudo just from a different source. Any EEG during one that shows no change in brain waves detemines if non-epileptic. Still need meds to help… read more