Важен Показател-Валпроат( Е С 4 Пъти По Малко От Най Малката Допустима Граница )
I had blood tests done. Important indicator - Valproate (is 4 times less than the smallest permissible limit)
And TSH Thyroid hormone, which is 1.5 times above the norm. I know valproate is an important indicator and low values lead to seizures. I drink Konvulex chrono-DEPAKIN (in 800 mg per day, but apparently not enough. How many of you take DEPAKIN?
In what weights? In combination with what drugs?
I am not a doctor to give you advise on this matter.
Hope all turns out ok.
Have a blessed day.
Hair Loss
Has your hair ever fallen out when using depicote?
Tonight lost like a chunk of my hair because of it.
It's A Sad Question To Even Think About For A New Community As I Head To School...
When I go to new churches, is there some trick to mentioning or hiding the epilepsy? Though I am ten years seizure-free, this has been part of my story, and if I am honest, this is who I am. How long do I wait till this comes out? I hate that this even needs to be asked, but this has come up visiting a former teacher and has left me nervous as I head north for my Master's degree in an all-new church area. I remember that even my brain surgeon stopped visiting churches because they found out what… read more
Does Anyone Have An Emergency Medicine Plan! (Like Klonopin)
Can You Outgrow Seizures?
I was a minor when I was first diagnosed with epilepsy. I am now an adult and I went two months without taking my medication and didn’t go into a seizure. I heard it’s very rare to outgrow epilepsy as an adult but is it possible???
Some forms of epilepsy can be outgrown, but it depends on the person and their form of epilepsy. My nephew was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was very young and he eventually outgrew it. So it is… read more
Having Some Doctor Issues And Just Need Help Figuring Things Out?
i got diagnosed with a kidney disease called igA nephropathy at 18 years old, then at 20 years old they found a tumor on my scalp which was a benign tumor called neurofibroma. then in may of 2022, 21 years old i go diagnosed with epilepsy. i have a lot of break through seizures. they actually found out when i have a seizure i have three different types of seizures in ONE seizure if that makes sense? sometimes it’ll be just one type of seizure but they found out lot of seizures i have i’ll be… read more
Closest one to me is about 8 hours one way. There is no possible way to go there. We tried. But my neurologist here set me up on a teleconference with a specialist in Florida. That got us answers and… read more
What Triggers Your Auras/simple Partials?
Wether you consider it a aura warning or an actual seizure,what do you think caused this and what medication helped you..
I am on tegratol and feel it only controlled grand mal seizures..
Stress, lack of sleep, constipation and low blood sodium
What Medicines Have Been Most Effective For Tonic Clinic Seizures?
Grand mal seizures are the same as tonic clinic. I’m seeing a neurologist next week and am interested in the fastest most effective medicines that have worked for those with the same issue.
Please go by what Dr advises for your own type of seizures. Like any other health prob all have diff issues. To listen to opinions keep in mind some are just anti-med weirdly. No one knows how best to… read more
Pattern To Nocturnal Seizures?
I think I have a pattern to my tonic clonic nocturnal seizures, which is one seizure every 7 to 10 days. I'm caught in this dilemna of needing to deduce a pattern to prepare for the seizure or seizures, or continue to convince myself to stay seizure free. Does that make sense? It's like the mind - literally - is that powerful.
There is no food, drink, activity, etc ... that triggers these seizures (as far as I can tell). Also, I continue to take my medications on schedule and have had… read more
Understanding your triggers are helpful. I have found Mine are triggered by over stimulation throughput the week. My mind and body can only take on so much unnecessary energy waisted. Normies seem to… read more
Anyone Else Suffer With Insomnia?
Hate not being able to sleep, unsure if it's my meds or not because as far as I know I've always had insomnia from being a baby. I'm on lamotrigine and keppra. Thanks x
YES ! 24/7 . I'm alway the last one in bed. On school days I stay up until my kids are off to school. On the weekends I just stay up until my body starts shutting down.