What's A Common Misconception About Epilepsy?
That everyone’s seizures are the same type when they are not
People can make assumptions on the state someone’s condition and decide that clearly it’s not that bad considering they’re not in a care home, have a full time carer or even a seizure assistance dog. They assume that because someone has worked hard to get it under control with the right medication that it’s not a problem. But they have no idea the amount of hard work that takes to get it right and when it goes wrong, it really goes wrong and big or small it’s a really upsetting setback!
Myths and misconceptions are often built from fear. Sadly, fear often turns into prejudice which in turn becomes discrimination. It's a tragedy for those of us who have no support because we suffer from a lack of respect, acceptance, support and love. When epileptics are rejected in these ways by friends and family it is devastating.
When someone says "Oh, it's not that bad..." they're fortunate that I'm not holding a stun gun.