What’s The Best Device To Have In Case You Need Help During The Night In Case A Seizure Occurs? I’ve Been Trying To Find Something For
myself for several years now well I’m just not sure what to use in case I need a family member to come to my aid of help in case I need an ambulance called to take me to a hospital.
You should have a bracelet, necklace or something that has your medical information on you at all times. I got my bracelet from Medic Alert. And if you’re alone, keep your cellphone within reach to call 911.
And perhaps a neighbor who knows your condition, is a good idea too.
If you watch the video on the link that Rusti shared, it says FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN. In case you didn't see the video, click here: https://nightwatchepilepsy.com/nightwatch/#What...
Talk to your Dr. about Seizure Recovery meds. And if you are a Candidate
The newest VNS device I received catches them in my sleep so I’m pleased with this
I’m not sure what to try. I’m thinking about Embrace which will alert someone outside the home. I don’t wake up where I could alert anyone
Do The Seizure Apps Work On Apple Watch?
Does Anyone Have “Normal” Results Happen Often When Being Tested?
Apple Iwatch Users What’s The Best App To Use For Seizure Monitoring?