Anyone Experienced That It Takes Time To Get Balanced With Your Meds Again- After A Stomach Virus? Usually How Long?
Had an intestinal bug- and three days after I’m still feeling like my meds are not balanced.
If you’re taking other form of drugs/ medication ( not seizure meds ) , then it may take awhile to get your seizure med(s) back on balance. A lot of meds ( not seizures meds ) interfere with the seizures meds and can weaken their potential and strength..
Depending on what drug it is , will depend on how long the medication stays in your system.
The slightest thing can set the medication balance off. It can take awhile.
Traveling cross country I check my med box. I realize need to take them! I sometimes am to tired and forget my last dose!
The only time I've had a seizure due to being sick was 4 years ago. I had a cold so nothing serious I was off work for a few days then I had a random focal seizure that had to be reported. It just so happened that my appoint was only a few days after the seizure happened, so they increased my meds and a few days off turned in to just over a month. The worst part was the med increase.
Thank you- my seizures affect my mental health and my emotions- today is day 3 and it has been a really hard day to push thru.
Hoping tomorrow will start to get back a little closer to my normal 🤣
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